Monday, August 24, 2009

Jerry Lee My new pal

After losing our best friend, Payson, after eight years of loyal companionship, we were blessed with this new bundle of joy, Jerry Lee. Cute, Stubborn, and a total joy to have around! He is my "pet project" as my husband would say.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

There's a Nightmare in my Closet

I was so excited when my husband told me that we were getting a 290 sq meter house (about 3000 sq ft). I walked through in awe and forgot one 'small' detail - Storage space. You'd think I'd know better. I'd been to Europe before, I knew that they didn't have walk-in closets; but did I prepare? Nooooo. For those of you new to this concept, imagine that every room in the house has four walls, windows, a door, light sockets and a light in the ceiling and nothing else.

Look around your place right now and count the number of storage closets that you the kitchen, entry way, bedrooms, hallway for linen, bathroom cupboards, kitchen cupboards, etc. and imagine they are now gone. Where would you store things? What about your pantry? Gone. So, off I go to the local Kika, a furniture store for shopping for 'wardrobes'(free-standing closets) where we spend literally 5 hours picking out what we want and need, find someone that can speak English and is willing to endure us. We sit down to finalize the sale. Expecting we would have to wait a few days for delivery, we discuss what day would be best for the delivery to take place. Without even a blink, the guy asks which day in the second week of October would be better for us. I'm certain the guy thought I was crazy when I exclaimed, "TWO MONTHS! It takes TWO months to deliver this stuff!?" No, he explained with fear in his eye, they have to make it first. Mind you this is not high-end, expensive stuff we are talking about here. I mean this is plywood and screws type furniture that you'd buy in Home Depot or the like. Okay, another wake-up call for me. My on-demand consumer expectations are keeping me on my toes here. I'm coming to that cruel realization that this country and other small European countries don’t just have warehouses full of things waiting for people to pop in and take home by the loads.

In retrospect I would have gone to IKEA in the States and bought 5 boxes of wardrobes and had them put together here in Prague. But I don't even know if IKEA in the States sell free-standing closets. Here we sit with everything neatly stacked in corners of every room; our clothes, towels, and everything else that would have gone into those neat, wonderful little storage spaces we Americans take for granted. Lesson for those of you readers moving to Prague - bring storage closets with you or order them as soon as possible.

Monday, August 10, 2009

To Pee or Not to Pee; That is the Question

Okay, culture shock number 4. I thought there was a really strange smell in front of my building when we moved in to a temporary flat in Prague 2 a month or so ago. I started putting two and two together when I came home from my daily grocery store trek and there was a homeless man camped out on the door step of our building. I couldn’t get in so I proceeded to gingerly poke at his shoe with my tip-toe as to not get to close to him. No luck. The kids were really starting to freak out, so I tried to enlist some street repair workers that were lying down cobble about 50 yards away. They just laughed at my dilemma and went back to what they were doing. “Hmmm, what next?” I pondered. Oh, yeah; my husband was inside the flat and I could just throw small stones at the window and he’ll save me. 30 minutes later and several annoyed next-door neighbor’s later I realized that I could use my cell phone to call my husband. Dah! My rescuer saved me from the smelly man, yeah. Okay, that is the end of the story, right? Well, not exactly. The man came back every day for about a week, but luckily someone else had to confront him. He was gone, and so was the stink – NOT. The smell seemed to be getting worse. It must be the construction site in front of the building with a well hidden portable potty behind the barriers, I thought. The next day I observed one of the workers go behind the barrier as I was hanging out the window staring at passersby…as we European’s do (wink) and to my surprise, he went behind the barrier to pee...on the ground! Yes, this is the Czech version of a Porta-potty. Gross, yes, but not the end. Next that day in broad daylight was a man just walking down the street and decided that the tree looked good and took a whiz right there. Holy cow! My last shock was when we were in downtown Prague sitting having coffee in the town square when a three year old was instructed by her mother to go over to the drain rail in the side of the street to relieve herself. She, without hesitation, pulled down her tighty-whities, squatted and did her business with thousands of people bearing witness.
Even in Babylonian times people understood the need for proper disposal of human wastes; but I’m not convinced that in Prague that concept is fully understood. It is quite surprising the incredible benevolence with which the Czechs tolerate urination in public places which apparently applies to young children and adult men. Some would say this tollerance is a result of the male dominated society here, while others could argue it is the pints the Czech men are downing. Naw, too complicated; they just needs new leash laws :)