Friday, July 17, 2009

Odiferous Bohemians

Some (many) of the men here smell like a vat of Limburger cheese on the trams in mid-July. Deodorant and antiperspirant are apparently optional. I've had to learn to hold my breath and not make sour anyone who knows me, holding my facial expression isn't an easy feat. So, I had to research this phenomenon and strangely enough this is not only socially acceptable, but preferred by the Czech women - they like their men to smell like MEN...really stinky men (argh). In fact, the women generally look and smell like they stepped out of a beauty magazine and the men they are with look like they just got out of bed with the clothes they've been wearing for a month, unshaven and unbathed. Very confusing. Okay. I realize that I'm generalizing here but these situations seem to keep repeating themselves and I'm just pointing out my personal observations. When my husband left for work this morning, I told him that he is probably offending the women on the tram. Looking confused, and a little hurt, he asked "Why do you say that!?" To which I replied, "Your deodorant and cologne must be very offensive". We laughed; needing no further explanation.
Live and let live, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. OMG, how nasty. Reading this post made me think of that AXE commercial where two girls let a pig loose in the mall by telling him to "Look for a dirty boy." LOL.

    Needless to say, I don't think pig would have a problem in Prague. LOL
