Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Who Turned Out the Lights?

Get ready for short days and long nights. I was caught by surprise when I went to pick up my kids at 4:40 PM and it was already dark outside. I understand that in December the sun goes down at 4:15- 4:30! I thought I was going crazy when I started to get sleepy and looked at the clock that night it was only 6:30 and finaly went to bed at 7:30. My body is very tuned into day light and always has been. My mother can attest to the fact that I was always up and down with the sunrise and sunset. I've never been a "night-owl". I also have to train myself to turn on lights in the house. Again, I'm used to just opening the blinds to let the sun in...who needs LIGHTS? Well, unless I'm going to be hybernating through the winter, I guess I'm going to have to get used to artificial lighting. I feel like a jaundice baby with hyperbilirubimia (how is that for a tounge twister?)


  1. Hi, Love the picture of the sunbather with artificial sunlight in the darkness of early winter nights! (As I write this it is sunny in Greece and I feel awake and alert!) :):) However, come December 1 my husband and I will be on "our balcony" with a sunlamp; as we will be arriving in Prague for the winter months. Your blog makes me realize how lucky we actually are to live here in Greece in winter. But, the downside is we live on a small island in the middle of the Aegean and in is more than DEAD! So, we look forward to the excitement of Prague even if it gets dark at 4:15 - 4:30! WOW!

  2. Karin,
    Prague in December will be exciting and magical. I'm looking forward to the Christmas lights and decorations all around the old town square. I also can't wait to read abuot your adventures on your web site! Lets get together when you get here if you have a chance.

  3. I'm sorry, you lost me at hyper-something or other. LOL. This must be what it's like living in Alaska. Dark at 430? How odd.
